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The Sources of Retirement Cash Flows

When you hear the word “diversification” in the context of investing, one thinks of owning multiple holdings across asset classes, geographical locations, and industry sectors. The concept of diversification also applies to the sources of cash flows that are generated from an investment portfolio. Michael Kitces, a well-renowned author, and industry thought leader, suggests that there are 4 pillars of retirement cash flow that can come from an investment portfolio: interest, dividends, capital gains and principal.


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Preparing for a Market Downturn

Warren Buffett’s annual Berkshire Hathaway shareholder letters often offer sage advice. His most recent 2016 letter was no exception, including this powerful insight about market downturns: “During such scary periods, you should never forget two things: First, widespread fear is your friend as an investor, because it serves up bargain purchases. Second, personal fear is your enemy.”


Standard of Care – Fiduciary or Suitability

Financial advisor, financial planner, financial consultant, wealth manager, etc. – there are many names used by investment professionals today. But what’s more important than the title that a professional gives him or herself is the standard of care the investment professional is held to a fiduciary standard or a suitability standard.


How Risky Should Your Portfolio Be?

Would you rather have a guaranteed $10,000 today, or the opportunity to earn anywhere from $5000 to $20,000 over the next twelve months? Are you willing to risk a sure thing for the opportunity for more? Your answer to that question should be dependent upon two factors: your tolerance for risk and your ability or…


2016 in Review

It’s hard to think all the way back to January 2016, but the year began with a bit of a shock when US stocks had their worst start in history. Then came the Brexit vote in June, when non-US Stocks dropped approximately 7% over a three week period. And then came the US Presidential election, when US stocks dropped approximately 5% in the weeks leading up to the election.
But by the end of the year, those investors who stayed the course saw positive returns across the board.


What is an Investment Policy Statement and Why You Should Have One

An Investment Policy Statement (IPS) is a document designed to establish a clear understanding between an Investor and an Advisor as to the goals and management policies applicable to the Investor’s investment portfolio. It clearly articulates the responsibilities of both parties. An IPS will document the following: The client’s current financial situation;The client’s objectives for…
