Charitable Giving

Financial Planning-Investment Advisor-CFP-Napfa-Fee Only

Best Practices for Year-End 2020

As we approach the end of the year, it is prudent to review your situation and make sure that you have taken advantage of all that you can from a financial planning standpoint before December 31st, as well as be sure you are positioned well for the year ahead.  With that in mind, here are…


Wealth Management - Retirement Planning - NAPFA - CFP

Using Donor Advised Funds to Maximize the Value of Charitable Gifts of Appreciated Stock

Through a Donor Advised Fund (DAF), a donor can make a charitable contribution, get an upfront tax deduction, and then recommend what charities to support and when. Funds can be distributed immediately or over time. In addition to the upfront tax deduction, DAFs also offer an added tax advantage when a donor makes a gift…
