
The Art of Investment Management 1

The Art of Investment Management

Many people mistakenly believe that investment management is simply selecting the investment or combination of investments that will generate the highest yield or highest long-term return.  In reality, sophisticated investment management is actually much more complicated than that as it integrates several interrelated components of which specific investment selection is only one facet.


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When You Know Better …

“When you know better, you do better.” These words, famously spoken by Maya Angelou, suggest that the more knowledge we have, the better we can do for ourselves. If we know something is bad for us, we will avoid it, if we know something can enrich our lives, we will seek it out and as we learn more about the world around us, boundaries will continue to be stretched and advancements will continue to characterize our society. But knowledge in and of itself is not enough. We must use this knowledge to change our behavior.


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Give Yourself Permission To Hire a Real Financial Advisor

Setting goals are important. It gives you something to work towards. But there is a huge misconception about goals that most people don’t figure out until it is too late. Achievement of your goal will not bring you happiness. Having a certain amount of money in the bank, getting a promotion, owning your dream home, retiring at age 50 – those may be your goals, but what happens once you get there? Then what?


My Personal Finance Vision Statement

A little while back I began jotting down some of the rules that I try and live by when it comes to personal finance. Eventually, I turned it into what you see below, something I’m calling a personal finance vision statement. My plan is to update this over time as I continue to learn more about money, investing and life. For now, here is version one.


Like Doctor, Like Advisor: Understanding Your Financial Advisor’s Compensation

As much as we would prefer a world where doctors could focus exclusively on addressing our health care questions strictly according to our highest interests, we know that reality is less rosy. Best intentions are often complicated by multiple parties, conflicting incentives and confusing costs. The more informed you are of any undisclosed motivations – who is compensating whom, and how – the better your choices can be when deciding to whom to turn for your family’s quality medical care.


Post-Election Reflections

Now that the election is behind us, it is safe to say that Trump’s victory was unexpected. Just like the Brexit vote back in June, his victory raised more questions than it answered. It has created an atmosphere of uncertainty and markets typically respond to uncertainty with heighted volatility. So what does this mean for…
