Jackie Goldstick, CFP®

NAPFA - CFP - JupiterFL

All Investment Risk is Not Created Equal

We all know that risk and return go hand-in-hand.  As investors, we are encouraged to think about how much risk we can/want to assume and then build a portfolio that reflects our risk tolerance and objectives.  But, investment risk is not a straightforward concept. There are two, broadly different kinds of investment risks: avoidable, concentrated…


Wealth Management - Retirement Planning - NAPFA - CFP

Using Donor Advised Funds to Maximize the Value of Charitable Gifts of Appreciated Stock

Through a Donor Advised Fund (DAF), a donor can make a charitable contribution, get an upfront tax deduction, and then recommend what charities to support and when. Funds can be distributed immediately or over time. In addition to the upfront tax deduction, DAFs also offer an added tax advantage when a donor makes a gift…


FeeOnly-CFA-Wealth Management

2019 Contribution Limits for Retirement Accounts

Annual contribution limits for retirement savings accounts for 2018 and 2019, as established by the IRS, are listed below.  Please keep in mind that contributions to Traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, and SEP IRAs can be made up until the time your tax return is due, including extensions. 2018 2019 Maximum Annual Traditional IRA contribution (under…
